Conditions générales de ventes

The general terms of sale here included apply to all orders received after the issue of this price list; they are subject to variations without any notice and they will be regarded as fully accepted once the order is placed. These general conditions cancel all previous ones and are subject to changes without any previous notice.


The possible technical studies and offer prices will be elaborated starting from elements given by the customer under his single responsibility. Our company establishes those studies and offer prices as simple information only.


Any order that is transmitted to us is subject to our acceptance. All of our prices are exclusive of local taxes at our factory of Mognard - FRANCE. Minimum order for export is 300 € .


Our prices are fixed according to the current price list. The delivery deadlines are given in good faith, we make it our duty to respect them.


Except for express acceptance by our company, delays cannot justify the cancellation of the order nor give rise to damages or penalties. Goods are sold ex works Mognard (France). Insurance is provided only if requested and is charged to the buyer.


Goods will be transported at the customer’s own risk, even when they are sent duty free, and the customer will act according to article 105 of the French commercial law code.


Goods are payable in advance unless stipulated otherwise from our part. To be agreed upon: bank transfer, bank draft, irrevocable & confirmed L/C. The disregard of the payments authorizes us to suspend backlog of orders and to demand the payment of the current invoices. In case of late payment we will apply penalties according to the current bank taxes starting from the unaccomplished date. In case of delayed payment, all the expenses related to the collection of due sums will be at customer’s charge.


Our products have a legal guarantee. The Limited Warranty covers only defects arising under normal use and does not include malfunctions or failures resulting from misuse, abuse, neglect, use not in accordance with product guidelines, acts of nature or improper installation. The guarantee applies only to the exchange or to the pure and simple restoration of the defective article and on no account would include expenses of dismantling and reassembly, or expenses or damages caused by the malfunction of the device. The technical advice which we are asked to give, either directly, by the intervention of our representatives, or in the guidelines, do not engage our responsibility. The characteristics of our devices are given only as a rough guide. Shipping is the sole responsibility of the customer who will deal personally with any appeal against carriers, and will act according to the article 105 of the French commercial law code.


tout événement imprévisible, irrésistible et indépendant de la volonté des parties qui empêche ou réduit les fabrications et/ou les prestations est considéré comme cas de force majeure et décharge ROLLAND Arroseurs/Sprinklers de l’obligation de livrer.


Products delivered will remain in our own property until the total payment is settled (law n° 80-335 on 12/05/1980).


The purchaser commits himself to respect every intellectual property laws of our company of which he states to have perfect knowledge.


ROLLAND Arroseurs/Sprinklers protège les données personnelles du Client. Le Client a un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression sur les données personnelles qu’il communique à ROLLAND Arroseurs/Sprinklers. Le Client peut exercer ce droit en adressant une demande écrite à ROLLAND Arroseurs/Sprinklers.


The court of Chambery - France will be the only competent court for any disputes.